Dang it, Shumway. Why do you torture me like this? You think deeper than I’ve been able go. You have the cajones to say the unspoken truth that there is no political answer to our dilemma.

That being said, I have been lured in by one or a few siren calls*. "My mistake last time was picking the wrong people for my administration". And…since I’d rather be healthy as we dive off the Cliffs of Insanity, I’m stoked about RFK Jr having a chance to set everything right with regard to vaxxes, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, DMSO, Big Pharma liability as well as sending everybody to jail at the FDA. And, let’s see Elon take the scythe to all the government agencies that have produced no results regardless what percentage of the GDP they steal from us. I’m willing to give him a chance to succeed even though I see disappointment as the most likely result.

*siren call


: something that is very appealing and makes a person want to go somewhere or do something but that may have bad results

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I’ll bet you remember RFKjr promising in 2016 to work with Trump on vaccines- how did that pan out? You might want to take a look at this: https://substack.com/home/post/p-151172557?source=queue

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We'll see, Jon, er, I mean, Dan. I’m not gonna be shocked when my hopes are dashed because everyone in the FDA doesn’t see the inside of a jail cell. But why give the reins of power to someone who will definitely work against the Constitution and freedom from Day 1?

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I think the point he’s making is that, despite his speeches, Trump will do what’s best for Trump . Hopefully that will be good for us too .

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Of course. But at least there’s hope that he surrounds himself with people of principle who will guide him to the decisions which promote freedom and prosperity. Had the Obama/Biden/Harris/Deep State ticket won, there would be zero chance.

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Good grief, Dan, your writing just keeps getting better and better. I may have to start taking lessons from you.

Don't vote. It encourages them.

Voting is nothing more than choosing whose hand holds the club with which you are beaten. It does nothing to stop the beatings.

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I can't let a comment like that pass without a like! Perhaps one could say the same about the article, wink nod ;)

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Good words Dan! With all the work we did attempting to rid the voting machines and hand count only, and getting door after door slammed in our faces….with insurmountable evidence that the machines are 100% manipulated; why in the world would I partake in such evil? I would like to know if Mike Lindell voted?!? He spent his fortune and then some PROVING the machines are connected to the internet and the numbers switched and manipulated in a split second! Vote early “they” said! Why? So “they” knew exactly how many fake votes “they” needed to throw it “their” way! It’s not an election it’s a “selection”! It isn’t going to matter which of the 2 evils on the ballot get selected, they are on the same team!

I cannot believe the people that walked through the fight with us to get rid of the machines and saw what happened, and yet, somehow think this time will be different!

In the book of Judges, God said, “They don’t want me, they want their king; so let them have their king”!

America is NOT special! John 3:16 doesn’t say God so loved the USA…

America and everything it stands for is a lie and an idol!

I will not participate in idol worship any longer!

Good job Dan!

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