quick note: my last post, a short one, was not sent out via email. I was just having fun in my first try at using the satanic Grok AI image generator. Here's the post.
Today I present the Nick Cotton soapbox speech at Speaker's Corner. Remember that my last Nick Cotton post was my interview with him, where we talk about his speeches there and what's going on in the UK. This time we're just filming. The speech is largely UK-centric, but pertinent nonetheless for all audiences, and you get a good feel for his Speaker's Corner shtick. In the speech he
-talks about Tommy Robinson, Israel, free speech, and more.
-talks about getting assaulted.
-is interrupted by a pro-Israel guy in the audience. Nick says, “Get your own plinth!”
-is interrupted and interviewed by Wendell Daniel from Street Mic.
-is questioned by a goofy guy in a scottish cap and fake huge nose.
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