Blessed chalk - only $4 - http://stmichaelstore.com/blessedchalk.html. Couldn't find cheaper offerings from Amazon or Etsy, and Temu forces you to sign up before letting you search. But plenty of Ukranian chalk came up on Etsy. Another way to send your $$ to support Ukraine now that the gvt seems to telling Zelensky "oh well, that didn't work."

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Ha! Ukrainian chalk. The good ol' free market- people will always find a way to make a quick buck.

Incidentally, when I read Becky's comment, I read 'blessed' the two-syllables way, 'bless/ed' and in the opposite sense of blessed, as in, "I can't find my cursed (infernal, danged, etc) chalk!"

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They eat the bless/ed chalk from Ukraine - who knew?

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