Sheesh, I promised report cards, but I didn’t think I’d have any reportable goods on Trump this fast. I usually don’t double post on the same day, so if you missed my longer post of this morning, it’s here: inauguration.
By tomorrow the whole world will know that Trump didn’t put his hand on the Bible during inauguration. And there will be accusers and defenders of his (non) action, and they’ll joust with words in the comment sections.
I don’t want to dwell on the question, should he or should he not have put his hand on the Bible? I just want to point out that again, wherever you stand on the importance of Trump swearing on the Bible or not depends on your TESR (Trump Emotional Spectrum Ranking). It goes like this:
Trump doesn’t place his hand on the Bible that Melania is holding for him.
TESR +5 reaction:
It’s ‘cause the Bible tells us not to make oaths!
It doesn’t say anywhere that you have to swear on the Bible in the inauguration!
It’s Justice Robert’s fault. He…he…started too soon!
Trump’s showing you he’s not deep state like the rest of them!
It’s 6-D Chess! Shut up if you can’t understand it! etc.
TESR -5 reaction:
Conservative Christian -5 guy: This proves he’s not Christian! A demon will not touch the Bible!
2nd Cons. -5 guy: Trump follows Kabbalah, not the Bible!
Liberal -5 guy who thinks Trump is dumb: Trump’s too much of an idiot to know what to do. Pathetic!
Liberal -5 guy who thinks Trump is smart: People, wake up; he’s trolling you again!
Anti-Trumper know it all -5 of unknown political persuasion who likes you to know that he’s above the fray, observing the craziness from afar (and above): (Shrug, sigh) Dude, it’s all Kabuki theater!
Whatever the case, important or not, I’m going to prove to you right now that people react to this news based on their TESR score. Simple mental exercise for TESR +4&5 people:
You have an excuse for Trump not putting his hand on the Bible. What he did (or didn’t do) is not a negative. It doesn’t mean anything bad. Fair enough. Now imagine this: Let’s say Kamala won. It’s her inauguration. Let’s say you knew that all past presidents put their hands on the Bible for the swearing in. Clinton did. Bush did. Obama did. Trump ‘16 did! Biden did. And now Kamala doesn’t. You’d lambaste her, wouldn’t you? She could do the exact same thing Trump did today, and you’d condemn her for it.
She rejects the Bible! or
She’s an absolute idiot and has no idea what she’s doing! or
She’s antichrist! etc.
(Biden voice) Come on, man. You’d skewer her. Admit it!
This is what I mean by high TESR scores muddling our thinking.
Maybe he was standing on a copy of the Constitution?
According to some I know, Trump is ushering in a Christian-fascist regime intent on resurrecting the social mores of the 1800s. Where does this leave them? I suspect they'll argue that Trump is too dumb to know.