Well, we’re here. The first question to ask is actually not, “What’s he going to do?”, but “What is your Trump Emotional Spectrum Ranking (TESR)?” Because your TESR will determine how good your discernment is when the news on President Trump starts coming in.
TESR is a measurement of TDS. I use the TESR to determine to what degree constructive dialogue with someone about Trump might be hindered by strong emotion. The Spectrum ranges from -5 to +5. Here are some sample scores to help you place yourself:
TESR [-5] - full TDS*- (five points to the left of zero.) “He’s a fascist, racist, reactionary right-winger and we will pay dearly for failing to keep the Dems in power. Trump’s gonna destroy the country. I hate his guts.” (and probably you wish, secretly or openly, that one of the two lone-gunman had been successful.)
*TDS=Trump Derangement Syndrome
TESR [+5] - also full TDS* - (five points to the right of zero.) “Thank God he’s back! He’s what the country needs right now and good… no, make that wonderful things are about to happen. With the help of the white hats, he’s going after the bad guys and if we stand with him he’ll finally turn this country around and put us on the right track. And I gotta say, I just love the guy!” (and it’s obvious that God’s hand saved him from certain death.)
*TDS=Trump Delusion Syndrome
TESR [+2] - Slightly favorable but cautiously optimistic- “Who knows if he really has our best interests in mind? It seems like he means well. Maybe he really intends to Make America Great Again, and he’ll do his best for the country. Or maybe he’s out for his own interests- and we can only hope that they coincide with the people’s interest.” (and you might have no opinion on the assassination attempts; the Butler-county incident could have been a lone gunman, might even have been a botched CIA job but something seems weird and you’d prefer to not think about it.)
TESR [0] Neither influenced by love or hatred of Trump. (and you likely think that the ‘assassinations’ were master stagecraft.)
I admit I was on the right side of that Spectrum during the campaign of 2016, and on the left side in the era of Cap’n Warpspeed. It’s probably impossible to be an absolute zero but I contend that that should be the goal. Of course a lot depends on your belief about what exactly happened at those assassination attempts, especially the first one. But even your opinion about that depends on your pre-existing TESR.
I love Trump- hence he was saved by God.
I hate Trump- and so did the lone gunman who should have spent more time at the range.
Mind you I’m not talking about how much one should like or dislike the guy, but rather that we shouldn’t let our like or dislike cloud our thinking. We need to think clearly here and too much hate or adulation can muddle the mind.
My mom, who leaves FOX on all the time, was tired of the Democrat ladies at her retirement center (TESR -3.8 to -5.0) openly bemoaning the end of the world as the inauguration approaches. “I’ve kept quiet about this but I’m tired of them talking as much as they want and so when Sally started complaining again, I got a little confrontational. I said, ‘You know, Sally, I’m PLEASED AS PUNCH that Trump was elected!’ You shoulda seen her face turn red!” Ha! You tell ‘em, momma! Mom hasn’t opined on the assassination but I’m pretty sure she knows that the Hand of God deflected those bullets away from Trump (and into the bodies of Comperatore, Dutch and Copenhaver). The left/right divide that keeps us fighting against each other and focused away from the power structure, and prevents calm, reasoned dialogue is as pronounced at the old folks home as anywhere else. Trump Derangement/Delusion Syndrome doesn’t help any.
I’ll give mom a +4.2 on the TESR.
Uncle Jim sent me an email requesting my participation in a campaign he’s involved in.
I just signed the petition "Don't Pardon Insurrectionists!" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.
This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here: …
In the PS, I’m requested to tell my friends about it and get their support too. Of course I’m gonna get on the horn with all my Montana conservative Christian friends to join me in this one. The hell with those Jan. 6ers who thought they could just waltz into the Capitol and avoid long-term imprisonment, torture and death for the misdemeanor of (guided) trespassing.
Uncle Jim’s TESR: -4.9.
The pizza and beer men’s group met the other night and one thing that came up was my wish that someone had made a list of things that could be used to objectively grade Trump over the next weeks and months. If you know of someone who has done this let me know in the comments.
My off-the-cuff, amateur-hour short list:
Stuff Trump needs to do in order to prove his legitimacy:
Stop funding the damned wars in Ukraine and Gaza.
Get us out of Syria and Iraq, and most of the imperial bases we have around the world (Come on home, soldier!)
Pursue peace with Iran, Russia, China, etc.
Declare your allegiance to the Bill of Rights, and say you’ll never sign such an obvious affront to the 1st amendment as the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.
Admit that Miriam Adelson et al. is your sugar momma/puppet master and tell her it’s over- go take a hike.
Outlaw the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and any other secret organization that our government, military and industry executives are involved in (in line with Jefferson’s warning about secrecy.)
Tell the war-mongering, neocons and neolibs to stuff it.
stop killing the dollar with massive, uncontrolled spending, especially in the form of military mega-contracts and bank bailouts.
Send the illegals home.
To prevent new illegals, enforce our immigration laws (I don’t even think you need to build a multi-billion-dollar wall; a fence, a large contingent of troops redeployed from abroad, and a federal mandate to enforce immigration laws will do.)
Release the JFK files, complete and unredacted.
Release the Epstein files, complete and unredacted.
Have RFK jr. conduct an investigation into the assassination of his father.
Publicize the incident and get justice for the victims and survivors of the USS Liberty attack.
Make AIPAC register as a foreign agency.
Eliminate this inflationary, debt-based, nation-wrecking, usurious monetary system, and (as long as we’re using fiat currency) let the government print its own money, not get it at interest from the private, Federal Reserve.
declare open season on dual loyalty Congressmen and fire presidential cabinet/advisors of the same stripe.
end D.E.I/affirmative action/quotas
get down on your knees and beg GOD and THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD forgiveness for your part as the main player in the Covid Plandemic, the most deadly and criminal scam in History. Then make amends.
…among many other things, but that’s a start.
-Come on, Shumway. That bar is way too high! What can you expect of one man?
Well, one man, as president, with the support of the nation and the sanction of the Almighty, could do a hell of a lot. Throw a dart at this list, see where it lands and imagine Trump getting to work quickly and just doing that one thing for starters. The people would get on board the Trump train!
What hope is there for the nation if these things aren’t done?
Report card coming soon!
Always love your writing Dan, even 'if' your intent was to tag the plus and minus 5 camps as either loonies or just the simple minded. After all, what 'thinking 'person could go to such an extreme rating of FIVE on your own carefully constructed 'sensibility scale'?
Hum, what shall I be today... deranged or just delusional?
I could side with the +2's or even the join giant ZERO bunch, but hey I never liked the taste of pablum or luke warm water for that matter.
Ah hell, I've always been a radical so I'll give myself a big +5! (oh hey, does the highest score get a prize or sumpin'?)
Oh and just a theoretical point of order question here...
Should those who abstain from voting have the same right to test, criticize, and then grade the duly elected as those who actually cast a ballot? (asking for a friend)
Lastly, I'd love to meet your mom someday. That lady has some gumption!
Your pal,
Bruce (er, I meant FRED!)
*written in good humor but with much respect!
Pizza and beer? Pizza? WTF? We had lamb stew and beer!!! Or are you talking about a different men's group which does serve pizza? They probably drink Bud Light as well.
Seriously, though, I am about as close to a 0.0 on your scale as anyone could reasonably expect. I admit that, secretly and deep in my heart, I wish that Trump really could make things right again, but I don't have any delusions about that. Or, as the old hymn puts it,
"My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus Christ and righteousness."
As far as Trump's To Do list goes, I think you might score with sending the illegals home, at least some of them, and ending the DEI/affirmative action quotas, at least some of them. More than that, I am skeptical about.
Anyway, you should send that to him. It would give him something to shoot at.