Bravo as usual! I believe true honest veterans don’t hang their shingle out for attention! They served their country, came home and don’t want the bells and whistles! Zinke and Sheehy may be Seals (big deal); that doesn’t mean they are good people and for sure doesn’t mean they are for We The People! They should be ashamed of themselves.
I’m glad you attended the fundraiser to see the Truth behind using Rodeo as a pawn to attract innocent people into the den! Good job! 🤜🏽💪🏽🇺🇸
By the way...for those keeping score at are the votes of our esteemed Montana legislators on the latest and most egregious attack on what’s left of our constitutional republic, the NDAA:
My favorite line in the text was how you pawned off the dessert that seemed like the "remains of some chemical explosion in the meth lab"! But Billy Jorgenson was the best. And thanks for enduring the slimy fund raiser so we didn't have to.
Being a Seal, Green Beret, fighter pilot, et al, does show something about an individual. They have certain physical and mental attributes. They have discipline and determination. They have the ability to push back fear and still function. It does not, however, have any bearing on where an individual stands regarding politics, morals or religion. I’d much rather have a principled and moral Constitutionalist in the legislature than the person most skillful at working with the Swamp. Finding a person I’d trust with the kind of power these guys wield? That’s a tough one. Judging by the types of people I see populating the halls of power in this country, I’d say there’s darn few I trust.
Bravo as usual! I believe true honest veterans don’t hang their shingle out for attention! They served their country, came home and don’t want the bells and whistles! Zinke and Sheehy may be Seals (big deal); that doesn’t mean they are good people and for sure doesn’t mean they are for We The People! They should be ashamed of themselves.
I’m glad you attended the fundraiser to see the Truth behind using Rodeo as a pawn to attract innocent people into the den! Good job! 🤜🏽💪🏽🇺🇸
By the way...for those keeping score at are the votes of our esteemed Montana legislators on the latest and most egregious attack on what’s left of our constitutional republic, the NDAA:
Montana Sen. Daines Republican Yes
Montana Sen. Tester Democrat Yes
Montana Rosendale Republican No
Montana Zinke Republican Yes
A "yes" vote is a vote for the Deep State.
My favorite line in the text was how you pawned off the dessert that seemed like the "remains of some chemical explosion in the meth lab"! But Billy Jorgenson was the best. And thanks for enduring the slimy fund raiser so we didn't have to.
Being a Seal, Green Beret, fighter pilot, et al, does show something about an individual. They have certain physical and mental attributes. They have discipline and determination. They have the ability to push back fear and still function. It does not, however, have any bearing on where an individual stands regarding politics, morals or religion. I’d much rather have a principled and moral Constitutionalist in the legislature than the person most skillful at working with the Swamp. Finding a person I’d trust with the kind of power these guys wield? That’s a tough one. Judging by the types of people I see populating the halls of power in this country, I’d say there’s darn few I trust.