Hello from sometimes sunny Noborito DW.

Hashimukai Makoto? A new name for me, but then again, my memory is such that even after a frequent tipping of the mug with the same person, it's still a "what's that name again?".

I may have seen some of his photos along my jaunts among the Fuji 5 Lakes area. But passing at 45? That IS 'Mark Crispin Miller tragic'. Maybe it's time for a new meme, if not a shorter new word, for indiscriminate state murder. Or maybe more discriminate? You say he worked in a bread factory until 35? Putting on my tinfoil hat here, but I doubt the sociopaths gaming this kabuki-show have much appreciation for museums or art of any kind. Maybe he was just tagged as 'disposable labor'?

As we both know, Japan, along with other corporate nation-states appears to be not-so-covert in implementing, if not accelerating, the plot of the movie "Plan 75", itself another take on a couple of earlier versions of "The Ballad of Narayama".

Those are beautiful photos, he saw Fuji san through an artist's eyes. And that link to his Twitter page was full of some very unusual shots. Between fishing the seas and lakes around Fuji, I carried a Canon 80D and a few lenses, but never shot anything comparable to his work. The second from the last looked like colors for a Fuji Camera commercial. Though he may have had many cameras, I saw that he mentioned Canon on his Twitter page.

I couldn't help but to try to look back on my travels and try to triangulate from where he took the shots, but could only guess a few ... the first being taken somewhere between the tea-leaf farms stretching between Shizuoka and Fuji City, and the 5th one just above Shizuoka harbor — though I am having trouble figuring out what time of the year would have the sun appearing to be north of Fuji. The third shows the lit-up Fuji-Yoshida trail, so guessing it was shot along the road somewhere between Kawaguchiko and Saiko. The fourth, through the cherry blossoms and the bright lights on the opposite shore, could only have been shot from the north bank of Kawaguchiko. And the sixth and seventh, just guessing because of the large, placid expanse of water and lack of lights on the opposite shore, were probably shot from the opposite side of Motosuko. The other shots have me scratching my head, and may well be from places I've yet to drive. Tanoshimi.

It's a shame too many Grinches and Scrooges of Japan would not have us photograph anything that can be commodified, even for a fee. And I've read on the now defunct DPReview of some sight seeing spots in Europe even forbidding photos of natural scenery. But allowing people to photograph his photographs? Hashimukai Makoto. That is a name I will try to remember.

Thanks for the heads up, DW. And nice to meet ya!

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Loved hearing your triangulations. I'm down in the tea-farm zone, here in Hamamatsu. And thanks to your description, I remember that view from the north side of Kawaguchiko. We stayed at a dormitory belonging to Yamaha, my brother-in-law's employer.

By the way, we need to organize a meeting of the (independent) minds. Kitsune, Guy Gin, Chocula and DW. Whattya say?

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Hammamatsu? Whoa. Close to Omaizaki ... legendary deep sea fishing point. Oh, and not far from Aichi. Heard the news about the explosion at the power plant on NHK. As for Kawaguchiko, I feel more familiar with that lake than the Tamagawa next door. Guessing that I take at least a half dozen trips a year to do some car-camping in that big bus parking lot near the bridge. The fishing has really dropped off in the last few years, but the beer is still cold and lots of tasty little shops around that lake.

I've had a few good chats over beer with Kitsune and Guy Gin last year, but at 68, single, and fading ... I have to throw in a bit more Bayesian logic before considering hitting the pubs again. Several age-related health problems have popped up, and though treatable in isolation, in aggregate, those late train rides home after beer would probably lead to an early grave. I am also just now catching up to speed with the local community here in Noborito. No other native English speakers in this local group, but if or when the SHTF, hoping my good karma will pay off.

Will keep an ear open though. Hitting the exercise machine regularly and watching my diet ... so maybe another beer is on tap.

Cheers DW.

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When the waves get bigger, Omaezaki is one of my favorite surf spots. Aichi has Irago (Sentan) when the typhoon swell comes in- crazy crowded but can be a beautiful point break.

It needn't be beer- coffee works for me. I should be in Tokyo/Yokohama twice this trip. Perhaps a meet-up at a cafe near Noborito station, or a walk along the Tama would be in order. Otherwise, I could be back once in summer.

Thinking of having a regular, perhaps weekly feature on my 24 hr. radio stream- News from Japan. Would be nice to have content from a regular stable of good writers here, and I'd like to get to know them a bit.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by DW Shumway

Outstanding photos. I’ve never seen any pictures of Mt Fuji to compare to these.

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