Jan 29Liked by DW Shumway

Well...you say he still suggested it for elderly and immune compromised folks. That’s a bit disappointing. I wouldn’t want anybody I cared about to get that death shot.

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Jan 29Liked by DW Shumway

I guess I just hear what I want to hear. Not proud of that. But Dr. McCullough sure seems pretty clear about the dangers of c19 vaxxes now. Still, I think you’re right to question a doctor who got vaccinated and then had a change of heart. It never even crossed my mind to take the jab. How could those "smart" doctors be fooled so easily?

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to be clear, McCullough didn't take the shot. In the interview he says he warned about it plenty in advance.

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Well Dan, I look forward to the interview, but he's going to have to go some to change my opinion of him. This last 4 years has been one hell of a learning journey for 99% of us that were only only slightly awake before. The telling factor for me is this. Anyone who tries to lead a movement can only ever be misleading a movement. All corralled movements are just more collectivism which leads to censorship, either forced or voluntary. Censorship only hides the truth, therefor there can be no such thing as a truth movement, its an oxymoron. You wont find the truth in an individual with a ton of groupies to please, and i am only concerned with the truth. McCulloch has a huge ego and is more concerned with that than humanity.

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