Sep 7Liked by DW Shumway

The gall! The effrontery! How dare you appoint yourself "ombudsman" of NPR? Who do you think you are, anyway?

Good thing I am your friend and comrade, or I wouldn't have dared to say that. Nevertheless, carry on! I stopped listening to NPR years ago and don't really care what happens to them. I am behind you, Dan the Man, all the way. Preach it, brother!

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Sep 6Liked by DW Shumway

Thank God for you and Pastor Chuck Baldwin. Unfortunately, this "calf" is already headed to the slaughter house. Its only concern is that nobody cuts in line ahead of it.

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Sorry, haven’t finished yet but have to comment after reading the definition of a media ombudsman. Does such a thing really exist? I’ve seen more evidence of a wil-o-wisp than I have of such a creature. If they do exist, they are the most derelict of duty of all.

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Yes, I remember it from my youth in Seattle. The Times and I think the P.I. both had one. But yes, did they do their job, representing the people and truth? Phhht!

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“One phone call and they’ll have me on perma-block. Two and I’ll get a knock from the local stasi goons”

Go old school. Letter tied around a rock and a sling shot. Better yet, get two accomplices and use a water winger. Longer range. Much longer range.

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