Beautiful! Say hello to Bernd and Heike for me ❤️

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Dang, Dan! Why do you get to have all the fun?

Love the architecture! Keep the photos coming.

I love Bobcats! They are so much fun to drive. Give me a chance and I will trade in my office desk for an opportunity to sit in the driver's seat.

As far as the 10 commandments are concerned, I think #9 would cover most of the others. The problem is that we, the People, think it is perfectly acceptable to take what does not belong to us as long as we can get a majority of the population to agree with our opinion. Theft by majority vote! Yes, that's the ticket!

Anyhow, good to see you enjoying yourself as you perform valuable work. Keep it up!

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You’d trade’em all plus the gal down the road for Lar’s Bobcat.

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