Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us…And the Lord said to Samuel, Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king.
You can bring a president back to life and must establish him as 10-year dictator. Yes, it must be dictator- you get the full dose of whomever you choose, not an empty suit doing the bidding of his controllers or blackmailers, or hampered by nuisances like Congress, federal law and the Supreme Court. I had this thought in my mind as I was walking around the 3rd floor rotunda of the Colorado Capitol building in Denver. They have portraits of all the presidents in sets of 4 and I was thinking, “Hmmm, who would I choose? Who would I most definitely not choose?”
Here is the Eisenhower to Nixon set:
Now, let’s say you don’t get to choose the dictator, but you at least get to vote one of them out of consideration.
I’ll tell you my answers: My top choice was Kennedy. My least favorite was Johnson.
I hesitated on Kennedy and Nixon, but only for a moment. Nixon prolonged the Vietnam war four more years after promising “peace with honor”. There was no honor in the backroom deals that left the pow/mias stranded. He also ditched the gold standard, and while I believe he could have done that and reintroduced the greenback (limited issue/non-debt based/state minted currency) we ended up remaining with pure fiat, unlimited issue, inflationary, debt-based, federal reserve note currency. He stepped down and chose not to fight the cabal running the country behind the scenes, of whom he was well aware of.
As for my least favorite, Johnson wins that one easily, but I did ponder the question for a second, considering Eisenhower. For 8 years Eisenhower did nothing to counter the deep state, military-industrial-political complex except warn us about them after he stepped down from power. One also wonders what dirt they had on Ike, who had a mistress (es?). Eisenhower was also the general who wanted to ignore all international law and punish the surrendering Germans, and he taught them a good lesson, creating the Rheinwiesenglager (Rhine Meadows concentration camps), which were nothing but death camps, and contributed to the unnecessary and vindictive hungerjahr (hunger years) after the war. We should have put Patton in charge.
As for Johnson…
I asked Pastor John who he would vote for. Exact same results- one through four! He had something to say about Nixon and Kennedy, and as for Johnson,
“a total scoundrel”.
Great article, impossible choice. I like Kennedy, and suspect he was doing right in some regards, which is why he was murdered, but I cannot subscribe to any other Man. I will subscribe to the Logic of JFK's speech, The President and The Press from June 1961, but even that was an appeal for State Secrecy as a form of National Security. That being said, I wish he had lived to dismantle the CIA and cut ties with Israel.
How about none of the above? And none of the others either? Why are we always put into the predicament of being forced to choose between Sir Evil and Sir Morevil?
I will admit, though, that Lyndon Johnson definitely runs very close to the bottom of the pit. Maybe Joe Biden runs neck and neck with him. Hard to say which is worse.