Trumps pardon of Fauci seems meaningless to me, since there is no such thing as a pre-emptive pardon. Someone would have to be convicted first in order for there to be a pardon. So he can still be prosecuted. I only made it about halfway through so if the Jewish problem is addressed in this podcast, disregard this. Both Trump and Hitler are Jewish. Germany didn't have an extermination program in the concentration camps. I think Trump is just the controlled-opposition aspect of the dialectic, and that all of his actions are scripted by his controllers.
This is a very good interview. Thank-you Dan, Chris and Scott.
Glad I got round to to listening to this. Great conversation. Will it be a regular format?
Trumps pardon of Fauci seems meaningless to me, since there is no such thing as a pre-emptive pardon. Someone would have to be convicted first in order for there to be a pardon. So he can still be prosecuted. I only made it about halfway through so if the Jewish problem is addressed in this podcast, disregard this. Both Trump and Hitler are Jewish. Germany didn't have an extermination program in the concentration camps. I think Trump is just the controlled-opposition aspect of the dialectic, and that all of his actions are scripted by his controllers.