Pfizer tested the jab on pregnant women before the rollout. 90% of them miscarried. Pfizer then requested that their internal documents, including that little tidbit, be sealed for 75 years. Request was denied, and now we know. And they knew, but they paid the fake news networks to say it was perfectly safe for pregnant women to get the jab. Many of them have given birth to babies with weak immune systems. Many people don't believe that it's possible for anybody to be this evil, but history is full of them.

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My friends had a stillbirth child many years ago, just 1 week before the due date after a complication free pregnancy. This is the only time I have experienced this with anyone that I know in my close or wider circle. It was devastating for them (thankfully they now have two wonderful kids while not ever forgetting their first). I also know a fully jabbed couple who have recently had a healthy baby conceived after 2 shots and I know of another who is jabbed (I am assuming) and due in a month or so. I'm not really making a point. I guess im just saying that these current still birth stats are awful and must be causing so much pain in so many people who refuse to see the truth and that thankfully many children are still being born in spite of the shots. I think I heard that the still born rate in Scotland was something like 1 in every 5. This might be wrong but i'm sure someone could find the stats. Maybe i'll look later.

You have a wonderful way with words.

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Many children born to the jabbed have weak immune systems. Prediction: Many will be constantly sick and die while still children.

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Thankfully i'm yet to see that with my own eyes just yet in those that I know. Maybe they got the saline.

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So Sad.

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