It appears true that university educations these days are more about indoctrination than education. My university has gone "woke", too. The USAF Academy has gone woke. And, they’ve joined the depop club. This week, a super fit 21 year old stand out football player dropped dead on his walk to class. Those books must be heavier than I remember.

I’m sure there are career choices that require a university degree, but not many. These days I’m counseling kids to consider skipping university and going straight into their career field if possible. In most cases, they’ll be far ahead in experience and pay along with not having a college loan hanging over their head.

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It used to be one would go to university to hopefully avoid becoming a drone. Now, it's the opposite.

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As usual, excellent! Knowing Lucas, I was grinning throughout the entire article! The U of M pics were more disturbing…God Help Us! And God protect those innocent youth that just want to get an education, hopefully based on the truth!

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UofM: Very funny, in a despairing sort of way. Let's hope it's just a phase... Glad you're making a life in somewhat saner (?) / healthier country, though.

P.S. Hey, the military dropped the jab requirement, so we're making *some* progress. Hopefully, universities in the rest of the country will soon follow suit.

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