Tragic vax effects on mom and dad
Addendum to my last post: Reader responds with her own vaccident story
We can all subscribe to our preferred sources to get the lowdown on vax injuries. Here on Substack, of course Mark Crispin Miller and Steve Kirsch are tops. But the skeptic (or actually unskeptical, we should say) might say, “Well, those guys are basically surveying the whole world and cherry picking injuries.” If you’re talking about athletes deaths and injuries, for example, you respond with something like, “Actually, the number of footballers suddenly passing out on the pitch (apologies to compatriots, but that sounded better than “soccer players suddenly collapsing on the field”) is way higher than usual. Here are the numbers…hey, hey…are you even listening?” Once you get into statistics the eyes of the normie glaze over again.
But personal experience is another thing. Like Craig in my last post, most of the jabbed aren’t going to listen to counter-narrative truths until they are personally affected.
So here is the story of a friend of mine, who like most of us, has personal experience with the damages done by the clot shot. Sorry for the double spacing; that’s how it comes out after copying and pasting from an email. I haven’t changed anything except leaving out some unrelated stuff at the end of her email, and providing a hyperlink to an interview I did with a covid truthteller she mentions.
Hi! Dan you can add these 2 to your "jab-story-list": ....My mother and
father. Totally (relatively for their age) healthy, fairly fit 80+
people, very active, never "sick" except slight colds etc. Always hard
working, independent - doing everything for everyone else- kind of
people. Never would think of not doing absolutely everything for you.
Both a bit overweight (eating some toxic stuff) but otherwise maybe the
ONLY American retirees who take 0 medications - zero - Their new
doctor could not believe this and said the average US senior takes 7
meds!!!! Daily! Wow! But the doctors attested they were in "excellent
health" - - Well that was before the jab and 1 booster. Now my dad
lost his balance, fell several times, is much more forgetful, shaky etc.
All of which has gotten slightly better again. The cough, however, after
the several boughts of "long covid" that they've had - which laid them
flat for weeks, has never gone away with Dad or Mom.
Mom has been badly sick since shortly after the jabs. Her former
qualtity of life is totally gone. First all kinds of heart issues, then
a bad bought of "covid" where she had so much mucose, had to cough so
hard that they prescribed her something related to remdesivir!!! This
made everything much worse - she was confined to her chair... I was
shocked to see her body fill up with water, like a water balloon. When I
found the package and saw the name of that med., I recommended she stop
with that immediatly. It also caused major gut problems. She followed my
advice. Then after stopping this she lost water, and some of the
side-effects but had such a terrible cough that she broke a rib. She
slowly, over months, recovered. Then developed an intestinal blockage, 8
thrombose all up one leg, 2-3 huge ones in the other leg, her heart got
worse, making her very weak. Problems with the one leg, pain and
intestinal-never- ending pain and trouble including a complete blockage
and now again a new blockage...etc. etc. confine her still more to her
chair - so she cannot really excercise anymore, like she used to do
daily. Now the slightest cool breeze gives her a bladder cold, she is
running to the doctor continually, cannot go out "amongst people anymore
for fear of scaring them with her cough" and is very discouraged.
BUT, now that it's too late they listened to all the "voices" out there,
including O'looney and they know what caused all this....(beforehand
they "shut their ears" under pressure from my sister that they would not
be allowed to see their grandchildren if they did not get the jab...)
Only now it's too late.
That story can be added to your list... and I still have many more, as
almost all my aquaintances and friends in WA are in the same boat. My
good childhood freind (my age!) was just diagnosed with a serious heart
prob and even had an OP! etc, etc, etc....
The Great Awakening: Mass murder on a global scale, the gas chamber in a syringe. God please help us!