The Amazing Story of Jesse Boyd's Montana Fracas
North Carolina preacher crossing the country on foot ventures into Madison county, gets attacked, pulls a gun, and now faces Montana country "justice".
Over a year ago, my friend Teddy Farnsworth, after finding out about the work I do for and my plans for a new radio station here in the Bitterroot, said, “Dan, you have to interview Jesse Boyd!”
Well, Jesse was in Missoula a couple weeks ago and we arranged to have him come up the valley to Pastor Jim’s church for an interview. It is a whopper and I’ll let him tell the story.
I could post the video right here on my substack but since this is video #1 for my brand new, BBR Rumble site, I’d rather you hit the link, watch the video there and ‘like’ and subscribe to the Rumble channel if you’re inclined. (not to imply you shouldn’t click ‘like’ here, heh.)
Click here to be directed to video.
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And here is Jesse’s website. I recommend scrolling down to the great pictures and following his trip, which has passed through the counties below. Almost done!