…and separation from my country, until and unless we get some decent leadership. Stew Peters says we need another William Wallace. I think he’s probably right.

Speaking of leadership, Congressman (did I just capitalize that?) Massey himself says a political solution is probably not in the cards. Even Ed and Bonnie, who run the Bitterroot Sons of Liberty group, say it aint possible, and they’ve been working their tails off trying to get fair and honest elections. What good are honest elections when by far the best choice is None of the Above?*
H.L. Mencken said every decent man is tempted at some point to spit on his hands and raise the black flag. I wasn’t spitting on my hands and raging for violence when I saw a recent clip from the US House of Representatives on my Twitter feed. Rather I had to just laugh and shake my head. I ran into my friend Craig yesterday down in Hamilton and had to tell him about it. Since I don’t carry a smart phone and I didn’t want to ask him to pull his out, I had to explain the scene, which was fun. (Sometimes telling is better than showing on a three-by-four-inch screen, and it forces you to form words and sentences, a somewhat lost art.)
So here is the DC drama as best as I could retell it to Craig. After watching it on Youtube, you decide whether I did justice to the downright Shakespearean scene.
Stage: A stately hall of Congress, mahogany and all, where bills are debated.
Cast of Characters (all congressturds from the US House of Representatives). As Michael Tracy put it, “It’s the most beautiful melting pot of America I’ve ever seen.”
White trash bimbo from Georgia-R.
Hispanic bimbo from the Bronx-D.
Black bimbo from Texas-D.
Grey-haired committee chairman from Appalachia in his 50s-R.
Jewish deputy chairman from Brooklyn at his side-R or D (does it matter?)
Elderly blueblood representing Massachusetts, with more than a hint of the posh, Kennedyesque Boston accent-D.
Background characters- Noisy, loathsome congressturds of all colors, sexes and girths- R and D.
White Bimbo- Chairman, I just want to know if any Democrat on this committee is employing the judge’s daughter.
Black Bimbo- (with measured scorn- to the white bimbo) - Can you just tell me what this has to do with Merrick Garland?
Deputy chairman- (heard on the chairman’s mic- barely audible)- Is she talking about the porn star?
White Bimbo- Can I just get a clarification…
Chairman- (to all present, in his mic) I think she…- crosstalk
White B.- OK, thank you.
Black B.- Uh, are you aware of what we’re talking about here?
White B.- Yes, I am aware. But you probly aren’t because you can’t read through your big fake eyelashes.
shouting, movement, gasps
Chairman- Order!
Unseen voice- That’s beneath even you!
White B. fixes hair.
Hispanic Bimbo- I do have a point of order and I would move to take down those words! I am appalled and I think it is despicable that Miss X. (white Bimbo) would use those words. To go after someone’s appearance is…crosstalk
shouting, movement, gasps
Chairman- Order!
Hispanic B.- I am absolutely appalled!
White- Oh really? Did I hurt your feelings?
Hisp.- Oh, don’t even play!
White- Are your feelings hurt?
Hisp.- Oh girl! Baby girl!
Unseen member- I second that motion.
White B.- Baby girl? Oh really? Why don’t you debate me?
Hispanic B.- We are going to move forward and take down Miss X’s words.
White B. - It’s because you’re not intelligent enough.
Hisp.- I’d like to strike those words as well. That’s two requests to strike!
Chairman- (gavel bang) Order! Come on, guys! Now here is the correct…the correct… prodergy (mental confusion- procedure + apology?). Miss X. will you agree to take down your words and…
White Bimbo- I agree to…
Chairman- Miss X. agrees to take down her words. The move has been seconded and with unanimous consent...
Hispanic B.- That’s not enough. I demand an apology!
Blueblood from Boston: I’d just like to point out that…
White B.- I’m not apologizing!
Chairman- With unanimous consent…
White B.- I’m not apologizing!
Black Bimbo- (smoothly) Mister Chair. Point of order.
Chairman (Closing his eyes for a long, weary pause, the ranking Republican whose grandpa and dad probably owned the Ford Dealership in Chattanooga and sold cars and tractors to fellow Scots/Irish immigrants in the Cumberland Plateau, leans toward deputy chairman)-Who’s…who is…?
Deputy Chairman points at Black Bimbo and nods, giving chairman clearance to call on Black B.
Chairman- Miss Z.
Black Bimbo- (referring to White Bimbo) I’m just curious, if someone in this committee were to say, “This bleach blonde, bad built, butch body,” that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?
louder shouting, movement, gasps. Deputy chair looks toward Chairman for his reaction.
Chairman- Uh, a what now? I have no idea what you just said.
Deputy chair’s wry smile says, “This is great entertainment. Shumway’s right. Stick a fork in it.”
video. this was 4 months ago actually. Maybe you’ve seen it. It’s probably already achieved oldy but goody status:
I did some work yesterday at a retired army major’s place. Big, heavily-wooded place off the highway with a nice, long pond including swimming area. It was a bit unkempt, however. Faded, almost illegible POSTED No Trespassing sign upon entry; ‘71 GTO propped on jacks on the old basketball court with weeds and cracks; ‘53 Chevy pickup with elk antlers on the hood out front, grass growing tall around the tires. I had to collect on an old payment before I could begin my work, and as Mr. Palowski had skirted the issue numerous times already, there was some chance he might angrily send me packing. It was one of those situations where you ring the doorbell and the dogs barking and scurrying around inside comes way before the human footsteps. He was a big guy and the mutts all had some degree of pit bull in them. He cracked the door just enough for us to communicate and I said my payment collection spiel and he told me to wait and closed the door. The dogs kept barking. He came right back, opened the door wide and the dogs got out. Turns out they were friendly, he handed over the check and thanked me for coming down to do the job, and then he showed me how to get the truck around to the pond. Nice guy. Upon leaving I saw his flag. It was Old Glory flying upside down.
Yep, we’re in distress. We’ve gone from this:
to this:
We need a William Wallace. Any volunteers?
What a mess!!!