My meme box is filling up and I have enough to reach the substack maximum three times over, so I had better entertain you with a few before they get dated. But first, a very interesting theory:
Three weeks ago I was among a gathering of local men and a question came up for Pastor John. “Pastor, I’ve heard it said that the modern Israelis are the direct descendants of the ancient Hebrews who descended on Canaan and fought the Amelikites. Do you know if this is true?”
Many would rather avoid this question, but this is a yuuuge matter, for a number of reasons. Chief among them is the idea that, as far as religious Jews and Evangelical, Zion-first American Christians are concerned, Israel, as the Special Race, with God’s unconditional backing, have a right to do just about whatever they want within and outside of their borders, on our dime of course. If God commanded Saul to smite Amalek, down to every last woman, child and beast, surely modern Israeli Chosenites can do what they want with the heathen Palestinian ‘terrists’ and their women and children, who currently, contrary to God’s plan, occupy (dwindling) portions of the Promised Land. This kind of thinking of course gives Israel carte blanche to indeed do whatever they want; it causes enough Americans to not question our wars in the Middle East that only favor Israeli interest, and not question the billions- make that trillions in combined expenses from war expenditures and aid to Israel (ex: the Iraq war cost us 2 trillion [not to mention the loss in blood] but did nothing to further American interests, outside of the military-industrial complex, but surely helped Israel in removing a relatively powerful enemy in their orbit).
Pastor John let a couple other guys present partially answer the question. One guy mentioned the Khazar theory- that Ashkenazi Jews come from Khazaria, a long-gone kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas. Before mixing with central Europeans, they had mostly Turkic blood, then mixed with Slavs and later Germans, etc., but they are Jews by conversion not ancestry. This Khazar theory, if true, means that whoever complains about Israeli behavior vis a vis the Palestinians, or (here we go) Jewish influence in entertainment, media, banking, foreign policy, etc., can’t be called anti-Semites as the Ashkenazi Jews, who run Israel and are dominant or even effectively all-controlling (Hollywood) in the above spheres, are not Semites!
Not being a historian or geneticist, and having not spent enough time looking into the matter, I can’t say whether Ashkenazis are Semitic or not, but even if they do have a direct blood-connection to Saul and Ezekiel and David and Methuselah, they don’t get a pass on their execrable behavior in Israel. Their goal is removal of the Palestinians from ‘their’ land, by any brutal and murderous means, which of course is a genocide.
I bring this up because yesterday, while weeding the rock garden, I listened to a fascinating hypothesis about the origins of the Ashkenazi Jews. It’s based on a belief, once uncontroversial and fairly widely held - according to the article, David Ben Gurion, founder of Israel, and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, second and longest serving president of Israel, co-wrote a book in which they argued this theory - that Ashkenazi Jews largely come from the Punic people. That is, the Carthaginians, a Semitic people who migrated from Phoenicia to the Western Mediterranean during the Early Iron Age. Here are a few bullet points I gleaned from the recording (if memory serves):
During the Hellenistic and early Roman eras, there was a significant percentage of Carthagenians/Phoenicians who converted to Judaism.
These converted Jews scattered about throughout the Roman empire, especially after the fall of Carthage.
Modern Ashkenazis are mainly the descendants of the male line of converted Carthagenians who migrated north and mated with Northern Italian and German women.
Phoenicia was a proud and powerful trading empire that lasted a thousand years. The converted Jews/Carthagenians/Phoenicians who became the Ashkenazis maintained many of their former religious beliefs and practices from the Phoenician era.
It actually wasn’t Roman policy to disperse conquered peoples to other parts of the empire, and historians agree that the total expulsion of Jews from Palestine after the Jewish revolts is a myth. The Jews lost their political power, their nation, their temple, etc. but nowhere near all of them were sent to go live in Paris, Cologne and Verona. Some expulsion did indeed occur, but 1) Jews were already well dispersed across the empire and elsewhere, and 2) Many Jews remained in Palestine and have been there ever since.
Most of the Jews who remained in Palestine, during 1,400 years of Muslim control, would convert to Islam.
Phoenicia is synonymous with Canaan.
You see where this is going? The predominant Jews of today, with so much influence in the West and running the show in Israel, may indeed be the descendants of ancient Semites, just not the Semites they, or you for that matter, expect.
“Kill the Amelikites!”- Benjamin Netanyahu might want to choose another rallying cry.
Blasphemy, Shumway! I know, but hey, it’s not my idea, it’s Ron Unz’, and HG Wells’ before him by the way. Unz is a Jewish businessman, writer and publisher from California. He wrote and narrates this fascinating story. I highly recommend the 13,000 word read, or hour and 40 tape if you have knitting or gardening to do. Listen and decide for yourself. In any case, even if the startling main premise doesn’t hold up, the article is full of interesting historical facts.
American Pravda: The True Origin of the Jews as Khazars, Israelites, or Canaanites, by Ron Unz
audio version (1hr. 40min): click here.
text version (12,900 words): click here.
And now for those memes!
Have you seen Dave Smith’s recent take-down of Chris Cuomo? It’s Pure Gold! We must never forget what these cockroaches did.
I was driving around with Lars the other day. The topic was how far do you go with the truth in an initial encounter with normies? I said I’m pretty restrained with Seattle normies, for example, and I don’t open right up with “The 911 Official Story is complete bunk.”
Lars said, “And what has that gotten you?”
True enough.
I hope my memes aren’t in the following category:
Things that might get you slapped:
Speaking of 911- Pennsylvania, circa 2001:
My favorite is the wolf!
Gay guys aborting girls so they can have a boy and totally screw his life by making him think he’s a girl.
Literally…"for Christ's sake"…can’t we have societal norms where, if you break them, you are punished or, at the bare minimum, banished to a remote desert island?