When Lukas and I were in Los Angeles back in September, to interview Dr. Mark McDonald, we took the time to scope out the scene at the car-crash death sites of Michael Hastings and Anne Heche. I brought up these cases and the case of Joerg Haider in Austria to David Icke. He said of course they have the technology to remote control your car, and they’ve had it a long time.
I haven’t looked into Heche and Haider enough to make a positive judgement, but for me it’s beyond reasonable doubt they killed Hastings. I hope to do a report or interview on these cases someday for kla.tv.
The only reason I bring this stuff up now is because I’m about to head west to Seattle. I rented a little Nissan compact- fully computerized it appears. HAL has already either malfunctioned or is taking over. The screen for the audio system is blank.

So in case there’s a strange, “He just jumped the median and plowed straight into our Suburban at top speed, Michal Hastings style!” event with this Nissan, let it be known I tend not to drive into oncoming traffic, and I’m not suicidal.
Hope to have some good reports coming from the Woke Corridor (I-5 urban zones).
Hope your time with loved ones is AWESOME and your feeling better soon. Your loved, thought of, and prayed for brother.
Dan, this is better than the Unabomber look.