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Will the authorities be lenient in sentencing if I report to the office of pre-crime and confess now to a future crime?
In Minority Report there is a bureau of Pre-Crime, where they go out and round up potential criminals before they are caught in the act. One thing I don’t remember about the film is whether or not there is some opportunity for a pre-criminal to confess to his pre-crime and receive some kind of leniency for his future lawbreaking. This would apply to me and my intended malfeasance, but the difference is, my intended action is not against the law yet, but soon will be. So maybe I should report to the office of Pre-Crime with a Pre-Confession. Confusing? OK, I’ll spell it out:
Whatever you think of Trump’s cabinet picks - and this topic will surely be covered here and in upcoming BBR interviews - the one I’m focused on right now is Kristi Noem, who will, upon confirmation, head up Homeland Security. This is of course the heroic governess of South Dakota with the pretty face and sinewy arms who appears at Sturgis rallies, talks tough and walks with a swagger.

We could spend a couple paragraphs dissecting her political record and conjecturing as to whether she truly was the covid-era hero some like to see her as, but we’ll leave that for a future post. Suffice to say, she is hell-bent on stamping out the rampant anti-semitism in her state, and as director of big-brotherly Homeland Security will soon be aiming to stamp it out wholesale across the country. Recently she gave a press conference announcing the passage of a bill to fight anti-semitism in South Dakota to protect the 6-million-member Jewish community there. Introducing the conference, she said, “We need to have this legislation not just in South Dakota but across the country.”
Adding to the fact that Noem will be in a position of national power as a member of the Trump cabinet and head of DHS, there are two more things to consider:
The House recently overwhelmingly passed HR 6090. “The proposal, which passed 320-91 with some bipartisan support, would codify the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s [IHRA] definition of antisemitism.” (AP)
Trump said he would “remove the Jew haters” if reelected.
Given his past and current administration picks, and where his money comes from (see Sheldon and Miriam Adelson), and Damien Jarod and Ivanka, and factoid 2 above, there is little doubt Trump would sign such legislation in a heartbeat.
Getting back to Governor Noem, what about the South Dakota bill that she signed? It also codifies the IHRA definition of antisemitism. It’s a state-sponsored bill of the same stripe as the bill that will soon be before the US Senate and president’s pen. I haven’t looked into the similar bills in other states including Florida, but I’d guess they’re very much alike. (Almost as if there were some kind of coordination and special-interest lobbying going on here.) Well, what’s in that IHRA definition? Let’s have a look. This from the IHRA website’s own definition of anti-semitism:
“Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to: [my own numbering for commentary purposes]
Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers)…[of the Holocaust]
Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
Do we need to parse this out? Is this not such an obvious affront to our right to free speech that it hardly needs further comment? Whatever you feel about the State of Israel, the Jews, the scourge of Anti-Semitism or Trump, it’s patently obvious that this legislation is contrary to the 1st amendment. Remember folks, free speech also and especially means uncomfortable and offensive speech. But in case it’s not obvious, let’s just briefly go through these points:
Regarding #1 above -saying the Jews run things- Is it just a baseless, stereotypical allegation and myth that Jews control certain societal institutions? For crying out loud, who runs Hollywood? Is it going to be illegal to state the obvious? Give me a break- even the Jews say that the Jews run Hollywood! See L.A. Times: Who Runs Hollywood? C,mon, by Joel Stein. Sorry Joel, you’re under arrest!
#2- collective responsibility and "imagined wrongdoings” - Whether or not the anti-Semitic accusations in the Bible are true or not (and Christian friends, can you disregard scripture?), this prohibition means you’ll have to keep the book of John and much of the rest of the New Testament to yourself. Spread the Gospel? I think not!
#3 & 4- denying details of the holocaust and accusing Jews/Israel of overstating it for gain -As to the scope of Holocaust Orthodoxy, who determines that? Can we not question specific numbers? Apparently someone questioned the original total death toll figure etched in the stone monument outside Auschwitz, and then the number was halved, then halved again. Do we jail the people who came up with the preposterously inflated original figure of 4 million Auschwitz murders because they failed to grasp the actual, far smaller scope of the deaths there? Of course not; we allow open discussion in order to reach the truth. How do you reach the truth otherwise?! And as for the gas chambers…oh never mind, it’ll be part of my upcoming pre-crime confession.
#5- dual loyalty and Jewish love for Israel greater than love for country of residency/citizenship - Well, OK. I guess you're right Kristy. How could we ever consider righteous American citizens like Rahm Emmanuel and Jonathan Pollard to be more loyal to Israel?
#6- bluuu. Again, give me a break.
Recently Trump did a 3-minute, cheezy infomercial announcing the publication of a new Bible-Americana, called the “God Bless the USA Bible”. In the pitch Trump mentioned God many times (but somehow forgot to mention the Savior). Trump was careful to point out that this $59.99 Bible had added texts like the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. That’s good- we apparently have a president who cares about our rights enshrined in the Ten Amendments.
Before Trump signs this legislation, or if it’s on course to be signed by Biden and Trump does nothing to oppose it, we need to openly proclaim that the legislation is an affront to our American right to free speech.
All of us, Trump defenders and critics alike, need to join forces and think of strategies to nip this kind of legislation in the bud.
I had to question the 6 million figure so I went to Wikipedia which, as you know, can be completely trusted to tell the truth. Most of the time, that is, or at least when it agrees with me. Anyway, the search produced a figure of 919,318 population as per the 2023 census.
Now, I suppose that IF they were all Jews and all the eligible voters actually cast a ballot for Trump, you could come up with 6 million IF they all voted at least 15 times. You know, vote early, vote harder, vote more often. Democracy at its best.
As to pre-crime, I think Lavrenty Beria had a better grip on that than Tom Cruise. "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime." Guilty before being charged.
At any rate, when they lock you up for saying things you shouldn't say, you will probably have a lot of company and I'll come visit you in your affliction. Ooops! That's New Testament. Shouldn't have said that.
Maybe they'll let us share a cell.
Boom! Logos. Gnosis.
Truth does not fear investigation, nor does it need statutes to protect it from naysayers.
The Truth stands alone and does not compromise. Either abide or perish.
Lex Rex.