The title, of course, is a bit false, as it implies reaction, not participation. We know every country on earth, or perhaps I should say, every major-player country on earth, was part of this scam, minus perhaps Sweden, for reasons I haven’t figured out. I don’t know, maybe Bhutan or South Ossetia didn’t go along with the madness, either, but Japan?- third largest economy in the world, and the third party in the Trilateral Commission?- give me a break. The regime in Tokyo is as NWO-friendly and hell bent on destroying ‘their’ country as any other. Consider that it was only until very recently that commenters would post stuff like, “At least the Japanese have some common sense about mass immigration.” But now we have this:

Getting back to covid- the way all the important nations instituted the exact same, unprecedented and foolish devious measures and used the same phony rhetoric, etc., tells us that they were all on board with the Davos plan, or whatever you want to call it. So maybe instead of How did Japan deal with this debacle, it should be What was Japan’s role in the Scamdemic?
For the answer I went straight to an independent/rogue journalist who could sum it up way better than me.
Guy Gin (pseudonym of course) is one of the best on this topic. I highly recommend his stack- Making (Covid) Waves in Japan. On my recent trip to Japan, I made an excursion to Tokyo to interview him. First we had dinner and got to know each other a bit, then we left the noisy Izakaya (with the distracting college girls everywhere) and took a walk from the Ebisu restaurant/nightlife zone to Shibuya station, talking about the plandemic along the way.
Interview with Guy Gin (51 minutes):
Great interview. As there are some differences between Guy Gins recalling of events early on and my own, I would like to explain why and then add some other personal observations that I hope add to his.
Guy Gin and I have different dates for the start for masking in Japan. He is correct that in March 2020 there were many here that were yet unmasked. I observed at the time that few elderly were wearing masks despite it being known that they were at greater danger from covid. However, I place the start time for masking with late 2019. While far from universal, Japan has long, like for a century or longer, been masking as protection from colds and flu and more recently against hay fever inducing pollen. Cold and flu season starting with the weather turning cold and with many allergic to plants that give off their allergens in the Fall and others in the Spring, annually we see many wearing masks from as early as November some years to as late as the first week of May most years. Not universal, but far more wearing masks at the time the sars cov2 virus is thought to have first landed in the country than seen in the US or any Western country. Didn’t stop the virus from taking hold, did it.
Masking against covid started at least as early as February 2020 as my esteemed colleagues and our med students were wearing them for a workshop we had that month. The employees of a client company were wearing them already at this time too. Official recommendations do so would come later, I believe, with many not wearing them yet as late as March. The teachers at my eldest kid’s kindergarten were wearing them by March and the few allowed to attend the few last year events (the graduating kids had been going there since 6 months to a year old) that they held in March 2020 (many events were called off cuz, covid) were required to wear masks at the time. I do not recall the kids having to wear them yet though.
Just as with the official announcement that masks were no longer recommended yet many still to this day wear them, many individuals, schools and businesses had already started with the mad masking before the official recommendation to do so was announced.
Not only was there the morning TV shows broadcasting the covid infection and death counts each morning, they had a running total of covid cases and deaths on the big telethon screen in Akihabara. I should have taken a photo of that.
Not only did most hospitals not deal with any covid patients, those that did not suffered horribly financially as they had no patients. Same as in the US which at one point had half a million, if memory serves, medical professionals out of work due to their ward or entire hospital shut down while everyone was screaming about hospitals overflowing with covid patients. I do not think that any Japanese doctors and nurses were doing the tictoking dance routines that the heroic, overworked MDs and RNs in the US miraculously found time to do, though. But I may be mistaken.
The “not enough beds” excuse has been used for decades as an excuse for turning patients away. Around 20 years ago when I first came to understand the situation, Japan had double the number of hospitals beds that the US had at the time while having only half the population of the US; yet, “not enough beds” was and still is used as the excuse for denying health care that has already been paid for, and as we see with covid, scare the population into allowing horrible policies.
No requirements for the covid shot except for medical professionals and students, or so they are told, and thus it is. One other facet of the social suicide it is to go against the group in Japan, if a cluster of Covid cases occurred in any work environment, the unmasked were blamed for each case. Imagine being personally liable for all missed work and loses incurred by your employer. Who can resist such? Few. I think this new deeper fear of responsibility is the driving force of many changes in Japan’s cultural events which I know something about and I’d bet are happening elsewhere too.
I can no longer provide links to my posts on Substack, so here is the title of a post that adds some more detail on GuyGins statements on the discrepancies between what many in the West know about Japan and what Japanese in Japan know about Japan. The title is “Does Dr. Fukushima’s statement change anything?” Published on DEC 10, 2022. Dr. Fukushima’s remarks being taken as proof in the West that Japan was using ivermectin against covid and that that was why they were beating covid was one of the reasons I decided first to start my own substack. I had seen the same misunderstanding before with other subjects which I discuss in the post referred to above, for those who are interested.
Again, great job to the both of you and thanks.
Fan Wu et al., “A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China”, Nature, Vol 579 (3 Feb 20, author correction 2 Apr 20), 266, Methods page:
Rather than using the method widely used by virologists for claiming isolation and pathogenicity through inducing CPEs, Fan Wu et al., the first inventors of the SARSCoV-2 genome, sent the sample extracted from the patient’s lung fluid straight to sequencing for two de novo assembly platforms to search for short genetic fragments or “reads”.27 It is important to note that the samples sent for sequencing were not physically isolated viruses but crude samples containing millions of unique genetic fragments from the patient himself, innumerable microbes, even from the air the patient had breathed on the way to the hospital. Over 56.5 million reads were produced from this genetic “soup” and pieced together to create 384,096 contigs (long genetic sequences) on Megahit, and 1.32 million contigs on Trinity.28 Perhaps with a predisposition to prove their unproven canard that there is “the ongoing ability of viral spill-over from animal to cause severe disease in humans”, Fan Wu et al. chose the longest (30,474 nucleotides), which, they claimed, had a nucleotide identity of 89.1% with the in silico bat coronavirus genome (SL-CoVZC45) invented in 2018.29 Thus, a “genome” that was as close genetically as a human is to an Abyssinian house cat became the template used for primer design for the RT-PCR method to supposedly detect a virus that had not been shown to exist.30 Subsequently, it was decided that the genome needed a cut and paste, perhapsto make it look even closer to the 29,802 nucleotides of the bat model SL-CoVZC45 and it was reduced to 29,875 nucleotides in the next version on GenBank.31 But the artists weren’t finished with their creation and a third and final model was drawn with a completely different terminal sequence featuring 23 consecutive adenine bases, which, hey presto, looked more like the bat model that featured 26 consecutive adenine bases on its tail.32 It is unclear how the virologists knew which “genome” to choose when all of the options were hypothetical computer constructs. It thus quickly becomes apparent that the anti-science of virology and the perversion of the word “isolation” is not only delusional but also highly misleading and no basis for anything, let alone the health and well-being of whole populations. One year later, Dr Wu Zunyou of the China CDC, in an interview with Janis MackeyFrayer, would state that isolation had never taken place: “They didn’t isolate the virus”, he said. “That’s the issue [why no data has been shared]. I do not suspect it’s coming from what we originally thought.” 33 This foundational fraud was rewarded with grants in 2020 totalling US$900,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation made to the two institutions with which 14 of the 19 co-authors of the fraud were affiliated: Fudan University received a grant under INV-006277 “to support the epidemiology study and identify the high risks of COVID19 infection, which will contribute to national and international public health intervention strategy and product development”, totalling US$300,000; and the China CDC received a grant under INV-005832 “to support emergency response and evaluation, and prepare China for the potential pandemic, which will not only help disease control and containment but contribute China’s experience to global health”, totalling $600,000.34
27 Fan Wu et al., “A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China”, Nature, Vol 579 (3 Feb 20, author correction 2 Apr 20), 266, Methods page:
28 Ibid. Megahit and Trinity are the names of two de novo assembly platforms.
29 Ibid., 265-6, Methods page.
30 Joan Pontius et al., “Initial sequence and comparative analysis of the cat genome”, Genome Research, 17 (2007), 1680.
31 Fan Wu et al., “Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome”, GenBank MN908947.2, GenBank (14 Jan 20):; Dan Hu et al., “Bat SARS-like coronavirus isolate bat-SL-CoVZC45, complete genome”, GenBank: MG772933.1 GenBank (29 Sept 2020):
32 Fan Wu et al., “Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome”, GenBank MN908947.3, GenBank (18 Mar 20): interview!! Heres the first paper on SARS COV20 DEBUNKED: