Gates-inspired Memes
The Discovery Center's (et al.) attempts to normalize trans-perversion necessitates a backlash.
Among all the craziness of our current age, the whole transgender movement must be the most insane, emanating from the very pits of hell. If you are over 40, no, scratch that- if you are over 25, can you imagine any of this happening back in your school days? Can you imagine going on a field trip back in junior high and seeing the Designing Motherhood Exhibition (tranny wing) of the Bill and Melinda Gates Discovery Center? Unthinkable!

(warning- next photo segment: this time I’m going to show them. A close up of the poster front and center above and the other one on the unseen left wall. If you don’t want these images in your head then just focus on your coffee cup for a second while you scroll through the 3 slides, down to the next paragraph.)
How did we get here? It’s simple: a long, gradual turning up of the heat. The boiling frog. The water may be 193F right now, but we don’t react like we should because it’s only half a degree higher than yesterday. It seems you can get to any level of insanity via incrementalism.
Here’s how Michael Hoffman put it, in his recent article:
Continuous acculturation inevitably wears down resistance, creating that most potent of all psychologically transformative processes — “the new normal” — accompanied by the ultimate riposte to “hopelessly outdated bitter enders,” to “Get over it. Move on!” In the face of previously “unthinkable” transformations, such as the legalization of homosexual marriage, Americans have eventually come around to submitting to the engineers of the Brave New World.
Well, not all of us are submitting. And there are heroes. There’s Josh Alexander, the Canadian teen who has been harassed and jailed for his peaceful public appearances. There’s his compatriot, Billboard Chris, harassed, beaten and jailed for the same.
And right close to home here in Montana, there’s Travis Lohr, a couple hours west on the I-90 in Kellogg, Idaho. He’s the high-school senior I told you about last post. You must read this short account of what happened in the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s newsletter. Here is the actual quote which disturbed the peace and caused normies to run for the hills:
“Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between.”
The article also talks about the bus driver who was fired for supporting Travis.
This maybe hearsay, because I heard it from a co-worker out on pond cleanup, but apparently, the forest service has decided to unhire Travis from the summer job he was all set to begin.
I still want to interview Travis face to face, but if you can’t wait for that click the link above and you’ll find an interview he did right after the incident. And you can also hear an interview with the colorful, well-spoken bus driver.
Like I said, we can all do something. You don’t have to risk a beatdown or losing your job, yet. Try to show your support for whomever is engaging in the battle. It could be something as simple as choosing the coffee shop that didn’t close during the pandemic. I worked briefly on a local newsletter here in the valley and one of my favorite features was a page which listed all the businesses that stayed open during the pandemic and never required a mask. They should be continually rewarded for their stance.
For my small part today, I’ll make the rest of this article a memes post, all relating to the tranny craziness.
Lastly, here’s a simple T-shirt design I came up with today after reading the Hoffman article:

Wait, I gotta just add one more. This Wokely Correct guy is just too good:
oh, ok. one more:
I recognize Patrick Ewing on the left, but who's the cute girl on the right?
DARPA has been very successful.