My agent called me this afternoon and said my followers were frantic, wondering why I hadn’t opined on the attempted assassination last night.
DWS- It’s Screen-Free Sunday! That’s why.
Agent-Yeah, but come on! Alex Jones just said this is the biggest event in his whole history of broadcasting. He even forced his sidekicks to say prayers on the matter. You don’t just not comment! No substack post, no interviews, no tweets. What gives?
D-I don’t think I have much to add. I’m kind of letting the dust settle a bit.
A- What the heck, Shumway. If you plan on being a social influencer, you’ve got to get in on the game.
-But I don’t know what happened, exactly.
-It doesn’t matter. You’re an influencer. You’re supposed to say something.
-This early?
-Almost 24 hours have passed since the shooting! You gotta be relevant when things happen! I didn’t agree to be the agent of an influencer asleep at the wheel.
-Well, Rob Schneider thinks it’s a lone, crazed gunman, influenced by liberal media; Stew Peters points the finger at RNC and Israel; Ian Carrol and Owen Shroyer smell something rotten; Glen Greenwald says people are nuts to think it was staged. So am I supposed to say it was real, or say it was staged?
-Either way is fine- just don’t miss the opportunity. And be bold; make sure your statement is resolute and certain. Radiate confidence!
-Fine, I’ll say something.
Be sober.
That’s about it. It was part of today’s lesson at Pastor Jim’s fellowship this morning. When I saw it in scripture I thought of the alleged assassination attempt. Here’s the full passage:
1 Peter 1:13
KJV: Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. or
MSB: Therefore prepare your minds for action. Be sober-minded. Set your hope fully on the grace to be given you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
The Good Citizen addresses this mindset, or rather the opposite of it, in the opening of his article today, Earesistible Trajectories.
The populace, a non-discerning audience surrenders to enflamed passions and is easily moved by the drama, mistaking nearly every script for reality. It often takes months or years for them to deprogram what they saw on their programming devices, and reprocess everything through a more perceptive lens. Most never even bother with the effort.
GC ends his piece with an appeal to sobriety, like the scripture verse above:
Cold impartiality Good Citizens.
Think. Don’t emote.
Here’s an example of the kind of emoting that GC and Saint Peter say we should shun:
Slocum does a pretty good job on his Youtube channel, Disaffected, saying about as much as you can get away with on that ban-happy platform. But he’s falling for the drama of it all and letting his emotions dictate.
Whether it was real or staged; whether this seals Trump’s election or not; whether or not this is used to attack the 2nd amendment, one thing is for sure.
The establishment wants chaos.
The last thing the establishment wants is for the populace to give up on national politics and start trying to govern themselves.
They want us hyperfocused on the election circus, and this event helps do that. But we are still left with the meet the new boss, same as the old boss syndrome. Whether our next president is Trump, or Biden, or Kennedy, or Harris, or Gavin, or Big Mike or whoever they select, the planned demolition of America remains on track.
Trump will still answer to the Adelsons. The Democrat nominee will still answer to Haim Saban. Kennedy will answer to Rabbi Schmuley. They will all answer to the deep state.
Whoever gets in,
the border will still be porous and the illegals will not be sent home.
inflation will worsen as the dollar continues to plunge.
NATO will continue to provoke Russia. (gotta maintain the endless Orwellian, we’ve always been at war with X.)
the police state will continue to grow.
the first and second amendments will continue to be attacked.
Israel will still get its billions (there’s only one Massey).
the bankers will still rule.
Trump will still be Cap’n Warpspeed.
There, that’s my statement on the big event yesterday. And one more. To state the obvious:
Positive change will not come from the next president. It will come from us, individually and collectively on a community and state level (mostly community). Focus on that and not on this:
Excellent! Keep them coming.
Every precipitant of your bullet points, and every one of the puppet's handlers, jews. Filthy, ungrateful, oft expelled, murderous rats. There, I weighed in too.