If you're on the left, that moron was either Trump, or Bush before him. Those on the right must conclude that the current puppet occupying the white house is the downright moron. In any case, enough of these morons on either side in Washington! A strong man is going to have to clean house. Thus I announce my candidacy for dictator. Nothing permanent- maybe only ten or fifteen years is what we'll need to guide our land back to sanity. I know, power corrupts and what if I want to hang on for a while, like Papa Doc or Idi? Let's just say 12 years. We'll write it in stone on a field in Georgia. To paraphrase Skynard, Give me 3 terms and you won’t see me no more.
My first directive, after assuming office as the nation’s DAD, (Dear Absolute Dictator), will be this:
Nobody with any significant connection to Jeffrey Epstein, past or present, gets to be in a position of influence.
Why am I starting with this one? Because I need popular support, and everyone knows this much:
Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
J.E. ran a pedophile ring where he blackmailed politicians, royalty and other people in positions of power.
The current system is not interested in discovering who was in Epstein's network.
I just read an article in the Wall Street Journal, entitled, Leon Black Is Accused in Lawsuit of Rape at Home of Jeffrey Epstein.
Listen, whether or not the accuser, a former mistress of Epstein-buddy Black, is telling the truth or lying about being raped, we don't want slimeballs like Black in positions of power (or wealth) any more. This guy helped finance the crooked, satanic Epstein empire in a big way. Look at this paragraph from the article:
Mr. Black stepped down as Apollo’s chief executive and chairman in March 2021. The move followed a monthslong review by law firm Dechert LLP of Mr. Black’s ties to Epstein. Dechert found Mr. Black had paid Epstein for legitimate advice on trust- and estate-tax planning, and revealed that the payments totaled $158 million—far more than was previously known.
Ha! Legitimate advice on trust- and estate-tax planning, at $158 million? Give me a friggin break. What goods did Epstein have on mister Black-mailed? What happened down there on Sex-slave Island, Mr. Black? How many times did you fly on the Lolita? Whatever, we'll never learn with the current band of rogues in power. Time to clean house. Gates is done for. See you later, Prince Andrew! Chelsea, Bill, Henry, Tony, Rupert- you're all gone. And every name in Jeffrey’s little black book- they’re gonna be outed and dealt with.
And by the way, everyone involved in the coverup of Epstein's murder (or escape), you're going down too, from the corrections officers all the way up to Bill Barr.
So, as dictator, I'll find out who was blackmailed, who was close to Epstein (blackmailed or not), and who could have done something, but did nothing to stop him. I'm gonna make Ghislaine talk and get all of them! This will give me the popular support I need to push forward all the other righteous directives I have ready to implement.
“But but, you can't just remove people from their jobs and political positions without due process! And not everyone who knew Epstein was part of his blackmail network. You're being arbitrary and unlawful!”
I don't care. You're not going to get justice from our corrupted justice system. Haven't you had enough of this charade, waiting around for John Go-Get-’em Durham to do something? (I'm talkin' to you, Kunstler.) Our justice system is about as reliable as our electoral system. Forget about it. I'm dictator now. It's a big club this Epstein network, and if you're in it, or close to it, you're out. No exceptions! We may make a few mistakes, but let's err on the side of prudence:
FOEs (Friends of Epstein) must be removed.
And I'm sorry to you Trumpians still hanging on (after he promoted the jab and let the January 6thers rot - you're still hanging on?!), but your man will have go too. Epstein and Captain Warp-Speed were good buddies, and again, there are no exceptions to this new rule.
Away with all of them.
I have long thought that the last person you want in power is the person who wants to be in power. Anyone who volunteers for office should be excluded from consideration.