This is actually interview #3 in England. #1 and 2 are still in the cutting room. Hey- I put ‘em up as broadcasts them. For good reason- man if I only had the kind of team like the Frankfurt group to do BBR stuff; they do great work and you’ll see it in the editing.
Dr. Exley said he hadn’t done an interview in years and only agreed to ours because of Bernd’s persistence.
“I told your guy that I don’t do this anymore and the only way I might do it is if you brought your crew to me.”
“Then we’ll send our team out there,” said Bernd, and Exley was impressed with kla’s dedication.
Lukas led the tech team with Andy under him, and I could concentrate on the interview. It was a very interesting conversation in Professor Exley’s kitchen, in his charming house on the North Yorkshire coast.