OK, I know I usually put a few months between meme posts, but this one has to get out, because tomorrow is the 27th and Black Friday approaches:
Somehow we survived that ‘winter of darkness’.
Meanwhile, while Russia is showing off, testing its unstoppable MIRVs and HGVs on Ukrainian powerplants….
Here’s a couple for Japan and the West:
OK, those were all pretty tame. Next a few third-rail memes. I know, I could play it safe and leave them out but hey, we all have to prepare for HR 6090 and make that 1st amendment mean something!
This next one is timely because just yesterday I had a conversation that went something like this:
Joe- …Why? What’s in the Talmud?
Dan- Well, there’s plenty of stuff in there that’s pretty anti-Christian.
Joe- Oh, it’s no different than what the Muslims say.
This last one stings:
BBR update: Larry is putting together the website, trying to find a good service where you can upload archived files for 24/7 broadcasting, and also stream live any time. Beta version should be running soon.
I had an idea yesterday. After a conversation with a guy named Joe who disagreed with my characterization of the mass-murder in Gaza being a genocide, I thought, Hey, BBR will be a platform for all positions. It could be the digital Speaker’s Corner of the Bitterroot Valley. Mainly my populist, revisionist, genuine tin-foil-fun positions will be featured of course but if you’ve got a good contrary take that’s semi-original let’s hear it. If Joe want to make his case, he’s free to do so. He can just record his argument and send me an MP3 file and I’ll run it- with one caveat- it’ll be subject to examination and criticism. Doesn’t have to be Joe per se- it could be his favorite Zionist, like Ben Shapiro or Glen Beck. Send me a clip of Ben or Glen making the case for the obliteration of Gaza and I’ll run it, then add my two bits.
I can help the doctor Lady. We can start with basics. Men are actually more valuable than money, and women, well, you tell me? Why do old, ugly, rich men have pretty women on their arms?
Where'd you get that photo of Ben Shapiro? Is that my back yard?
And finally, the Truth has been discovered... Families run the governments, Governments run the Slaves, and slaves praise the government for their security. Raise Children, not kids.
Now... off to the bar to find a damaged, often discarded, unentitled playstation.
I like the second one.