Dan: Are the major players in the world truly engaging in a Cold War-esque enemy against enemy battle? Or are they all on the same game plan, James?
James Corbett: I almost want to say a third option, insofar as yes, I think there is a coordinated overall, I think there is an overall agenda, but it is not necessarily coordinated in the sense or in the way that people might expect it to be. So it can be the case that there are separate people with their own agendas and their own, who aren't necessarily on a team or card carrying members of the globalist club, whatever that club may be, who are still working in furtherance of the overall goals of the would-be controllers, because what we are dealing with fundamentally is not an institution. It is not a club. It is not the World Economic Forum or anything along those lines. It is an ideology. It is the ideology of control, of centralized control. Oligarchy, essentially, is what we are facing.
19-minute video:
Direct kla.tv link: www.kla.tv/27120
Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3.